Go into LFS, go to the control screen and press the paddle buttons so it shows you what button number for each paddle. Then go into the BF1 script and enter /button 5 shift_up and /button 4 shift_down (change the numbers to whatever your paddles numbers are)
edit, after testing this it seems that it keeps the controls even after you change car. So you will have to assign gear shift button scripts for all cars.
^ Yes, but in real life if an F1 car drives past you, thats the only thing you can hear, even when you try and speak nothing comes out 'cos its so loud. I bet in LFS you can still hear the road cars clearly even with a GTR car or the F1 sitting next to it revving like crazy ...
I think most of the cars sound better, but the BF1 is just terrible, it sounds so weak and pathetic its unbelievable. Just listen to the clip comparing the BF1, and a clip from the Alonso in helmet cam on you tube. I also want to point out that in the real life clip, there is less volume difference between when the car is accelerating and when its not, in LFS the car volume goes really quite when you are braking and the gear shift sounds seem totally wrong.
Fine deggis we know you dont like it, so why even look in the thread. Even when something good happens for nKp your gonna be in here posting about how you dont like it.
I dont know if this is to do with the cars, or the track, but the brick walls sometimes disappear when you look at them through the windscreen. See the pics ...
The whole point of it was that i wanted a white background, it would have been easier for me to have kept the track as the background but i wanted something different